How to Format Using Cmd

How to Format Using Cmd

This article will explain how to format a hard drive or data container using CMD (command prompt) in very easy steps. Everywhere where there are quotes, ignore them; it's to show that that part belongs together.

1.Open CMD by typing "cmd" in the search box of windows.

2.Type "DISKPART". Press <enter>.
  • Another command should open with a little different look. Here type "LIST DISK"
3.Press <enter>.

4.The system will display a list of disks. Select the disk you want to format (be careful which you choose - this can be dangerous) by typing "SELECT DISK X" where the "X" is the number of your disk.

5.Press <enter>.

6.Type "clean".


8.Type "attributes disk clear readonly".

9.Press <enter>.

10.Type "create part primary". 

11.Press <enter>.

12.Select "select part 1".

13.Press <enter>.
  • To format type "format fs=FAT32 quick" ... the FAT32 can be any format you want, and the quick option is just to format quickly with bigger hard drives. Without the "quick" option, the format will take much longer.



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Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.

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